Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Line of dyes

I am continuing to explore dyeing fabric. In the Quilt University (QuiltUniversity.com) course I'm taking, this week we were given recipes for the 12 colours on the colour wheel.

That sounds so easy. I am discovering that dyeing is a lot more than recipes. Maybe once I've been dyeing for decades--like I have been cooking, it will be as easy and intuitive. Things just do not come out as hoped for many times. Lots of times the results are close but not quite what I wanted or hoped for.

I am learning NOT to answer the phone, or check my email while it is soaking up the dye, waiting to be turned. Distractions do not help at all!

Oh, this being a beginner again. Not an easy feeling.

Here are the results of my dyeing, drying on the line.

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